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Rabbi Yeshayah Steiner was born in 1851 to Rabbi Moshe and Hentsha Miriam Steiner in the village of Zborov near Bardeyov (today in Slovakia). When he was 3 years old, his father died. At the age of 12, his mother sent him to study in Hungary with Rabbi Tzvi Hirsh of Liska the author of […]
Rabbi Dovid of Lelov was a disciple of the Seer of Lublin, a disciple of Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk, who was a disciple of the Magid of Mezritsh, the successor to and leading disciple of the Baal Shem Tov, the founder of Hasidism.
HaRav Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam, zt”l, the Shineve Rav (1815 – 5660 / 1899). Harav Yechezkel Shraga, the eldest son of the Divrei Chaim of Sanz, was born in Tarnograd, Poland, (others – Rudnick, Galicia), on 20 Shevat 5575/1815. His mother was Rebbetzin Rochel Feiga, daughter of Harav Baruch Teomim, the Baruch Taam.The Divrei Yechezkel, as […]
Megaleh Amukot (Reb’ Nathan Nata Spira) was a Polish rabbi and kabbalist, who served as Chief Rabbi of Kraków. A student of Meir Lublin, Spira played an important role in spreading Isaac Luria’s teachings throughout Poland. Spira was the author of a number of works, most notably the Megaleh Amukot.
Tosefet Yom-Tov, was a Bohemian rabbi and Talmudist, best known for writing a commentary on the Mishnah called the Tosefet Yom-Tov. Heller was one of the major Talmudic scholars in Prague and in Poland during the “Golden Age” before 1648.